Subclassing (advanced)#

Subclassing hist components is supported, but requires a little extra care to ensure the subclasses do not return un-wrapped hist components when a subclassed version is available. The issue is that various actions make the C++ -> Python transition over again, such as using .project(). For example, let’s say you have a MyHistogram and a MyRegular. If you use project(0), that needs to also return a MyRegular, but it is reconverting the return value from C++ to Python, so it has to somehow know that MyRegular is the right axis subclass to select from for MyHistogram. This is accomplished with families.

When you subclass, you will need to add a family. Any object can be used - the module for your library is a good choice if you only have one “family” of histograms. Hist uses hist, Boost-histogram uses boost_histogram. You can use anything you want, though; a custom tag object like MY_FAMILY = object() works well too. It just has to support is, and be the exact same object on all your subclasses.

import hist
import my_package

class Histogram(hist.Hist, family=my_package):

class Regular(hist.axis.Regular, family=my_package):

If you only override Histogram, you can leave off the family= argument, or set it to None. It will generate a private object() in this case. You must add an explicit family to Histogram if you subclass any further components.

If you use Mixins, special care needs to be taken if you need a left-acting Mixin, since class keywords are handled via super() left to right. This is a Mixin that will work on either side:

class AxisMixin:
    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)  # type: ignore

Mixins are recommended if you want to provide functionality to a collection of different subclasses, like Axis.

There are customization hooks provided for subclasses as well. self._generate_axes_() is called to produce an AxesTuple, so you can override that if you customize AxesTuple.

_import_bh_ and _export_bh_ are called when converting an object between histogram libraries. cls._export_bh_(self) is called from the outgoing class (being converted from), and self._import_bh_() is called afterward on the incoming class (being converted to). So if h1 is an instance of H1, and H2 is the new class, then H2(h1) calls H1._export_bh_(h2) and then h2._import_bh_() before returning h2. The internal repr building for axes is a list produced by _repr_args_ representing each item in the repr.